Monday 29 October 2007

Saturday 29 September 2007

I'm a ballerina too!

I don't have a ballerina dress like lucky Daisy, but momma painted me as a beautiful ballerina a while a go.

She painted me on the wall in the cat/PC room (it's where the litter trays/food bowls and the PC are)... as you can see I make a gorgeous ballerina!

Today I've been having shrimpies and played tons with the laser light! It's so nice when momma is home, but momma says she has to go to work later... which is not nice!

Friday 28 September 2007

Beloved child has many names!

Yesterday I had soem comments on my pretty name, Baby-Girl... so I though I'd write a bit about it today...

When momma and poppa had resuced me (you can read about it here, all written by me) and they were driving home with me, they decided to name me Chantelle. Of course at this time they didn't even know if they got to keep me as their new baby.

After a few days they started calling me Chantelina, as they though it was much cuter and suited me much better. And as soon as they realised that no-one was coming to collect me, I became Baby-Girl, as I'm their little baby, and I'm a girl!

The only place where my original name is used is at the V.E.T.s. Sometimes momma and poppa will use Chantelina... and they also got a string of other names for me too:
Princess, Smiley Face, Curly Toes, Plumpie, Sexy Lady, Lady Green Eyes, Eee-Eee, Itty-Bitty...

But most of the time, I'm Baby-Girl!

Today has been a horrid morning, and both me and my lovely brother was spooked by the awful alarm. I'm not normally scared of noises, but this is very loud, so not even I like it. You an read about it at my lovely brothers blog

Me being a beautiful princess:

Thursday 27 September 2007

Cat tree

Well... like my brother I'll post about the cat tree today... momma made me and my lovely brother a cat-tree, she made it all by herself and it looks fabulous! Momma is so clever! Of course while she was making it, me and my brother both helped her try it out as she was going along. You can see the whole build of it here

Last night me and momma snuggled up in bed to keep warm - it was heaven! Sadly the alarms went of a few hours later, so momma got up to feed herself and me and my lovely brother. After food when it was bed time again my borther wanted to play... he plays a little too rough for me, me being a girly and all, so I hid from him.

This morning we got delicious shrimpies, and then some wet food... and after that poppa came home with fresh bread, so he and momma also had somethign to eat. I love it when my poppa comes home unexpected during the day - it's wonderful!

Me and momma then played with the laser light... I adore the lasr light!

To amuse you, here' a picture of me pretending to be a "gansta"... of course just pretending - I'm a princess!

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Oh no...

Poor momma... the heating has decided not to work, so momma is really cold... poor momma doesn't have nice warm fur like me and my lovely brother, so I'll have to help momma keep warm... I've snuggled up to her tight so she can share my fur! I love my momma.

Where's my momma gone?

Today was very strange... for the last few days momma has been gone now and then, she still pops by many times during the day to play with us and feed us, but now and then she's not here... and today I saw her leave... I started meowing and scratching at the door like a mad-cat... and momma came back and gave me a right old snuggle, before popping out again...

I'm very puzzled...

Tuesday 25 September 2007


Well... I've finally figured out how to do this blog here at I've been blogging at bravediary up until now... so if you want to read anything I might have previously said, then place take a looksie there!

Here's a picture of me looking grumpy... I really have no idea how that happened - as I'm normally the happiest kitty ever! mol!